Day Ten
It's Friday, also known as Allow the Tung Oil an Extra Day to Cure Before First RubDown Day. ATOEDCBFRD Day. Rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? So, I didn't do any work on it today. But, couldn't resist a quick dry fit of some of the new hardware and the crappy beat up pickups that came with The Ugly guitar. I'm thinking about staining the fretboard black, waiting to hear from some friends if this is possible. In the meantime, I took a fun quiz. I can live with this. Which famous guitarist are you? Your Result: David Gilmour You play from the heart. You also deliver a great show anytime. You have skill, but you really don't like to show off. You let the music come in second to the visuals of the show. You prefer to play with people who know what they are doing. Jimi Hendrix Tom Delonge Synyster Gates Adam Jones Jimmy Page Dimebag Darrell Which famous guitarist are you? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz